Beer in Review: Ballast Point Sculpin IPA

Ballast Point is one of the few breweries from whom I have NEVER had a negative experience. Even if a certain style hasn't been my thing (like, say, the Sculpin until recently), I could appreciate that it was a high-quality beer.

As my IPA palate has developed, I have come around on the Sculpin IPA. I find the Sculpin to be a pretty smooth drink, with a lot of fruity hops. The hops resolve into apricot and tropical fruit flavors. A very slight hit of alcohol at the start (7.0% ABV) and a pretty strong aftertaste prevent this from being  sessionable (which may be a word I just made up), but this IPA is very tasty.

I have one or two of the Grapefruit Sculpins floating around my refrigerator, so expect a side-by-side comparison in the not-too-distant future.